Our diamond selection


Montoro's website is an online shop that sells handmade jewelry made of gold and silver, sometimes with diamonds or other beautiful stones. The goldsmith name is Samuel Montoro born in France 1975. He has been working as a goldsmith since 1999. He started in France where he finished his degree as a goldsmith. After several years in France he moved to Iceland, created a family and mastered his talent in creating jewelries in one of the most beautiful store in Reykjavík. With his experience, love for creating new jewelries every day, he decided to start his own company. The name and the logo Montoro comes from Spain where the ancestors of Samuel lived. It means mountain of gold and obviously made for be the name of this jewelry store. 

Montoro ehf.

Reykjavík, Iceland.

Kt. 460123-0380, VSK: 147367

montoro@montoro.is - Tel: +354-893-9341